Author Topic: Shoutcast (new) and IceCast problem  (Read 252 times)

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Shoutcast (new) and IceCast problem
« on: June 12, 2024, 12:40:11 PM »
Hi to all,

CWP Panel on AlmaLinux release 9.4 (Seafoam Ocelot)

I am facing problems with the operation with shoutcast(new) and also with icecast.

Τhe installation appears to be successful but the servers does not start.

Try to start from console I have this message:

systemctl status shoutcast_creation_8002
○ shoutcast_creation_8002.service
     Loaded: masked (Reason: Unit shoutcast_creation_8002.service is masked.)
     Active: inactive (dead)

I Unmask the service but nothing.

I have tried various things but I can't find a solution.

Also the AutoDj instalation faild

Can someone help me?

Thank you

Re: Shoutcast (new) and IceCast problem
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2024, 08:14:00 PM »
Hey Zisis;

I am currently working on elevating from CENTOS7 TO ALMALINUX, But am worried something would break like in your situation.

Did you do a freshinstall from scratch of did you follow an upgrade guide like this one?

I will be using the link above as a guide to transition into almalinux. If I come across the same break and fix it, I'll post it.
-The Shoutcast Guru

Radio Streaming Since 2013, RadioDJ since 2016, and Linux-CWP since 2020.