Control Web Panel
WebPanel => Apache => Topic started by: yeknafar on February 22, 2025, 01:50:24 PM
Hi Dudes
I have used fix permission but some of my subfolders give 500 error and the others give the 500 error when users want to login or surf deeper in pages.
I did most of the things that can be find on the forum and the net about fixing 500 server error. Even disabled mod security too but no result.
Maybe fixing permission work better for subdomains not subfolders.
What WebServer setup do you use ? Is it Apache only, Nginx, nginx + apache, or something else ?
Can you give a sample directory listing (recacted if necessary)?
What WebServer setup do you use ? Is it Apache only, Nginx, nginx + apache, or something else ?
Thank you for your attention and answer
It was just Apache. As I saw in Google search console we have this error about 13 days in some subdomains.
I tried to config using php fpm yesterday and reinstalled the Apache but no result.
Can you give a sample directory listing (recacted if necessary)?
Thank you for your answer
How can I do that?
I used lS command:
blog france license.txt robots.txt wp-blog-header.php wp-includes wp-signup.php
certificate google5######5.html mk7zxw.php students wp-comments-post.php wp-links-opml.php wp-trackback.php
conversation index.php pay tube wp-config.php wp-load.php xmlrpc.php
course jadid plugin word wp-config-sample.php wp-login.php yandex_5fe2a###2ea.html
email learning readme.html wp-activate.php wp-content wp-mail.php
exams level report wp-admin wp-cron.php wp-settings.php
Is this useful? It doenot to be recacted?
Brother can It be a security problem? I have scanned CWP many times but no result. In security center I quarantine some things that was found.
The filename mk7zxw.php looks suspicious. Was it uploaded by you ? If no check it because it could be php shell or something like that.
However, you need to check the error logs of the websites to investigate why the error 500 appears. The error logs are located in:
No I did not uploaded mk7zxw.php
Can I remove it directly? It is 0 bytes.
In /usr/local/apache/domlogs/DOMAIN.error.log
I see subdomains but I am using subfolders. I check them?
(Honestly I have moved from subdomain to subfolder recently but because my application is working on subdomain I keep both of them and to redirect the visitors from old subdomains to subfolders.)
You access the sites through the URLs like:
Right ?
If so then check the error logs of the domains/subdomains you specify in your URLs.
We checked it was not malware. Nothing special found in /usr/local/apache/domlogs/DOMAIN.error.log
It is PHP or WordPress plugin. I renamed Theme and plugin folders many times and reinstalled core files too but no result.
Can you give a full long directory listing:
ls -al /home/username
ls -al /home/username/public_html
So as to see directory permissions...