I installed CWP, went pro, added mod security. Went to add a directory and populate it, so I did so and verified that the files were changed to be owned and grouped to the proper user account, and had permissions set correctly. I even did the User Accounts -> Fix Permissions.
No matter what I do, the actual in browser domain.com shows the default apache page. It also does not detect file changes, renames, addition of directories or anything else. This is after using winscp, and the built in cwp file manager. Even tried to add on extplorer, and it won't recognize the new directory that addon created. It's as if the domain is somehow locked into the apache directory instead of the user's home/public_html directory where it should be.
Here is the Apache vhosts.conf
# vhost_start example.com
<VirtualHost myip:80>
ServerName example.com
ServerAlias www.example.com
ServerAdmin webmaster@example.com
DocumentRoot /home/example/public_html
UseCanonicalName Off
ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /home/example/public_html/cgi-bin/
# Custom settings are loaded below this line (if any exist)
# Include "/usr/local/apache/conf/userdata/example/example.com/*.conf"
<IfModule mod_userdir.c>
UserDir disabled
UserDir enabled example
<IfModule mod_suexec.c>
SuexecUserGroup example example
<IfModule mod_suphp.c>
suPHP_UserGroup example example
suPHP_ConfigPath /home/example
<Directory "/home/example/public_html">
AllowOverride All
# vhost_end example.com
It appears to be pointing properly to /home/xotikz/public_html but nothing on the browser has it appearing that way. I edited the base index.html file in the public_html folder, then I even changed it's name to add a _ so that it would go away and instead display a 404 or something. No change. I'm obviously missing something, but not sure where else I'd go look at settings other than the vhosts.
I also tried rebuilding vhosts multiple times, as well as played around with the SSL.
Added: Not sure if this is an associated issue, but having an issue trying to generate an AutoSSL:
'DNS of your domain doesn't point to this server or you have htaccess restrictions',
Can not make a certificate for main domain or subdomain. I stopped and disabled named locally since I use a third party DNS service.