I am trying to find a way to either disable or compile apache without suPHP, but after 2 days of trying I am still not one step further and would like your help.
Reason for not wanting suPHP is because I want to use ZendOpcache, see
http://pecl.php.net/package/ZendOpcache and
http://php.net/manual/en/book.opcache.php, which unfortunately doesn't work with suPHP.
I understand that suPHP is better for security reasons, but all-in-all I still prefer to use mod_php/DSO as PHP handler, not only because of the ability to use an opcache solution but also because I only have my own websites on my dedicated server and many websites use scripts located at other websites. This setup has worked for many, many years and I prefer it this way.
I have tried many things, but none have worked so far and I would be grateful if somebody has a solution to not use suPHP.