I only speak french, sorry for my bad english.
CentOS 6 64 bit
rpm -ihv http://centos.alt.ru/repository/centos/6/x86_64/centalt-release-6-1.noarch.rpm
yum update httpd
service cwp restart
The update is done.
You must disable Repositories "CentALT"
cd /etc/yum.repos.d
nano centalt.repo
Replace the line:
By this line
Must be saved ([ctrl] + x, y, [enter]), then
yum repolist all
Verify that it is disabled, then
yum clean all
CentOS 6 X 86
rpm -ihv http://centos.alt.ru/repository/centos/6/i386/centalt-release-6-1.noarch.rpm
yum update httpd
service cwp restart
The update is done.
You must disable Repositories "CentALT"
cd /etc/yum.repos.d
nano centalt.repo
Replace the line:
By this line
Must be saved ([ctrl] + x, y, [enter]), then
yum repolist all
Verify that it is disabled, then
yum clean all