Author Topic: Python virtual environment is not activating  (Read 21882 times)

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Python virtual environment is not activating
« on: December 10, 2019, 07:54:48 AM »
I am trying to install django. For that I have installed Virtual environment by using
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python -m venv env. And environment installed successfully, but it is not activating when I used the shell command
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source env/bin/activate. The name of the current virtual environment is NOT appear on the left of the prompt. So I understand virtual environment is not active. I am still unsuccessful. My commands in terminal given below. /$ python3.8 -V
Python 3.8.0 /$ which python3.8

#I created my_env in /home/LPython/ /$ python3.8 -m venv /home/LPython/my_env /$ cd /home/LPython/my_env /home/LPython/my_env$ source bin/activate /home/LPython/my_env$ 

Re: Python virtual environment is not activating
« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2019, 06:16:40 AM »
This problem is solved. Actually I was not using BASH shell , even if the echo $SHELL outputs bin/bash . Because of this output, I thought i was using using BASH shell. Then I login through SSH . If you are using Windows must login through PUTTY . Then I could activate my virtual environment through source my_env/bin/activate.