Hey folks, sharing this here if anyone needs it!
I host CWP on Amazon EC2, needed a better backup solution because:
- standard EC2 volumes are expensive.
- cheaper (per GB) volumes for backups are minimum 500GB, so end up expensive anyway.
- CWP native backups suck.
- CWP backups to FTP have extreme versioning issues, the daly backup simply overwrites the previous day.
To do this, you'll need to create Amazon security credentials here:
https://console.aws.amazon.com/iam/home?#/security_credentialsGo to the section titled "Access keys (access key ID and secret access key)".
Create yourself an 'access key'.
Install Amazon client on your CWP server:
# sudo yum install -y python-pip
# sudo pip install awscli
# sudo pip install futures
# pip uninstall rsa
# pip install -v rsa==4.0
Set up the Amazon connection to S3 and create a bucket
# aws configure
In here, add your access keys and AWS region like so:
AWS Secret Access Key [None]: ACCESSKEY
Default region name [None]: us-west-2
Default output format [None]: json
Once set up, create your S3 bucket (replace 'servername_backups' with the name of your desired S3 bucket):
# aws s3 mb s3://servername_backups
Create a backup script (if you don't have nano, use vi instead or install nano with 'yum install nano'):
# nano backups-s3.sh
Add the backup script content, sample of mine here:
https://gist.github.com/FreshLondon/0e2bd776ba69ab542b1afef0ecdd0db9Don't forget to add your S3 bucket name at the top of your file, and choose your /home/ directory path if it isn't standard..Save the file, then make that script executable:
# chmod +x backups-s3.sh
Run the script:
# ./backups-s3.sh
Add a cron job for the script to run every night:
Open chrontab:
#crontab -e
Add a new line at the end fo the file:
0 3 * * * /path/to/backups-s3.sh > /dev/null 2>&1
The above runs your backup script every day at 3am (according to the server’s clock).
Hope it helps!
Thanks to cinique for the original script format, modified for Amazon S3 use (and reduced a lot of the process to preserve disk space on the server doing the backup.