Author Topic: Backup Help  (Read 10091 times)

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Backup Help
« on: April 15, 2015, 04:07:53 PM »
Hi All

I have recently installed CWP for the first time as I am wanting to give it a go, everything has gone perfectly so far except the backup function.

I've configured it correctly and it shows that all is successful however when I run the backup script nothing gets transferred to the remote server and a folder named daily is created on local server but it's empty.

The backups also show as successful, please assist as I am stumped.

Thank so much!

[root@vzvm0001 tmp]# /usr/local/cwp/php54/bin/php -d max_execution_time=1000000 -q /usr/local/cwpsrv/htdocs/resources/admin/include/cron_backup.php

Date which backup script is using: 2015-04-15 15:07:59

Remote Daily Files Backup starting

Username: clsoluti
sending incremental file list

sent 237 bytes  received 14 bytes  55.78 bytes/sec
total size is 10030  speedup is 39.96

Remote Daily Files Backup finished

Remote Daily MySQL Backup starting

Skipping database: information_schema.
Database Backup: clsoluti_clsdb1 --> clsoluti_clsdb1.sql
sending incremental file list

sent 236 bytes  received 43 bytes  62.00 bytes/sec
total size is 1267  speedup is 4.54
Skipping database: mysql.
Database Backup: postfix --> postfix.sql
sending incremental file list

sent 91 bytes  received 145 bytes  52.44 bytes/sec
total size is 12608  speedup is 53.42
Database Backup: root_cwp --> root_cwp.sql
sending incremental file list

sent 165 bytes  received 127 bytes  64.89 bytes/sec
total size is 10903  speedup is 37.34
Database Backup: roundcube --> roundcube.sql
sending incremental file list

sent 186 bytes  received 145 bytes  73.56 bytes/sec
total size is 13022  speedup is 39.34

Remote Daily MySQL Backup finished

cpulimit: no process killed
[root@vzvm0001 tmp]# /usr/local/cwp/php54/bin/php -d max_execution_time=1000000 -q /usr/local/cwpsrv/htdocs/resources/admin/include/cron_backup.php

Date which backup script is using: 2015-04-15 15:09:45

Remote Daily Files Backup starting

Username: clsoluti
sending incremental file list

sent 237 bytes  received 14 bytes  55.78 bytes/sec
total size is 10030  speedup is 39.96

Remote Daily Files Backup finished

Remote Daily MySQL Backup starting

Skipping database: information_schema.
Database Backup: clsoluti_clsdb1 --> clsoluti_clsdb1.sql
sending incremental file list

sent 236 bytes  received 43 bytes  79.71 bytes/sec
total size is 1267  speedup is 4.54
Skipping database: mysql.
Database Backup: postfix --> postfix.sql
sending incremental file list

sent 91 bytes  received 145 bytes  67.43 bytes/sec
total size is 12608  speedup is 53.42
Database Backup: root_cwp --> root_cwp.sql
sending incremental file list

sent 165 bytes  received 127 bytes  83.43 bytes/sec
total size is 10903  speedup is 37.34
Database Backup: roundcube --> roundcube.sql
sending incremental file list

sent 186 bytes  received 145 bytes  94.57 bytes/sec
total size is 13022  speedup is 39.34

Remote Daily MySQL Backup finished

cpulimit: no process killed
[root@vzvm0001 tmp]# cd /home/clsoluti
[root@vzvm0001 clsoluti]# ls
[root@vzvm0001 clsoluti]# cd ..
[root@vzvm0001 home]# cd clsolutions/
[root@vzvm0001 clsolutions]# ls
cwp_mysql  daily
[root@vzvm0001 clsolutions]# cd daily/
[root@vzvm0001 daily]# ls
[root@vzvm0001 daily]# cd ..
[root@vzvm0001 clsolutions]# cd cwp_mysql/
[root@vzvm0001 cwp_mysql]# ls
[root@vzvm0001 cwp_mysql]# /usr/local/cwp/php54/bin/php -d max_execution_time=1000000 -q /usr/local/cwpsrv/htdocs/resources/admin/include/cron_backup.php

Date which backup script is using: 2015-04-15 15:42:33

Remote Daily Files Backup starting

Username: clsoluti
sending incremental file list
deleting public_html/img/centos_webpanel_logo.png
deleting public_html/img/

sent 5004389 bytes  received 22612 bytes  437130.52 bytes/sec
total size is 34011432  speedup is 6.77

Remote Daily Files Backup finished

Remote Daily MySQL Backup starting

Skipping database: information_schema.
Database Backup: clsoluti_clsdb1 --> clsoluti_clsdb1.sql
sending incremental file list

sent 236 bytes  received 43 bytes  62.00 bytes/sec
total size is 1267  speedup is 4.54
Skipping database: mysql.
Database Backup: postfix --> postfix.sql
sending incremental file list

sent 91 bytes  received 145 bytes  67.43 bytes/sec
total size is 12608  speedup is 53.42
Database Backup: root_cwp --> root_cwp.sql
sending incremental file list

sent 165 bytes  received 127 bytes  83.43 bytes/sec
total size is 10903  speedup is 37.34
Database Backup: roundcube --> roundcube.sql
sending incremental file list

sent 186 bytes  received 145 bytes  94.57 bytes/sec
total size is 13022  speedup is 39.34

Remote Daily MySQL Backup finished

cpulimit: no process killed
[root@vzvm0001 cwp_mysql]# cd /
[root@vzvm0001 /]# cd tmp
[root@vzvm0001 tmp]# ls
apache-build  csf  csf.tgz  cwp_mysql  pear  php-build  sess_culocl70n0c4bnch5v1b8j6c24
[root@vzvm0001 tmp]# cd /home
[root@vzvm0001 home]# cd clsoluti
[root@vzvm0001 clsoluti]# cd /tmp
[root@vzvm0001 tmp]# ls
apache-build  csf  csf.tgz  cwp_mysql  pear  php-build  sess_culocl70n0c4bnch5v1b8j6c24
[root@vzvm0001 tmp]# cd /home/clsoluti
[root@vzvm0001 clsoluti]# ls
[root@vzvm0001 clsoluti]# cd ..
[root@vzvm0001 home]# cd clsolutions/
[root@vzvm0001 clsolutions]# ls
cwp_mysql  daily
[root@vzvm0001 clsolutions]# cd daily/
[root@vzvm0001 daily]# ls
[root@vzvm0001 daily]# ls       
[root@vzvm0001 daily]# cd ..
[root@vzvm0001 clsolutions]# cd cwp_mysql/
[root@vzvm0001 cwp_mysql]# ls
[root@vzvm0001 cwp_mysql]#

Re: Backup Help
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2015, 05:37:06 PM »
Permission issue on remote server .. though you can use "[ code ] and [ quote ] bbcode to make it more readable..