I have this problem since last few days. MySQL goes down on random times. At first i just visit centos web panel page and it restarted MySQL automatically. Then i set cronjob via service monitor with 10 minutes time but after few hours MySQL gone down again but cronjob didn't fix it. Then i set the same cronjob directly in the system.
*/10 * * * * /usr/local/bin/svcMonitor
My named service was down and i start getting this email after every 10 minutes, which means cronjob is working fine.
"rndc: connect failed: connection refused"
I fixed the named service and emails stopped but MySQL gone down again today and cronjob didn't restart it automatically and i didn't get email either. My sites were down for 3 hours. As soon as i came back online. I just visit centos web panel page with 2030 port and it fixed MySQL. Now i put a new cronjob to visit this page after every 10 minutes. So it can restart mysql if it's down.
*/10 * * * * wget -O -
http://www.example.com:2030 >/dev/null 2>&1
Can someone please help me why svcMonitor is not working for MySQL and if this URL visit method will help?