Author Topic: 403 Forbidden Error on Virtual Host  (Read 2592 times)

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403 Forbidden Error on Virtual Host
« on: January 12, 2022, 07:15:35 AM »
After a week of debugging, finally found where is the issue comes from.
The cronjob automatically update all the files inside vhost folder.
I run the command below and it triggers 403 forbidden error on my all three websites.

"/scripts/cwp_api account update_bandwidth_all"

This command is found in /etc/cron.daily/cwp_bandwidth .
Please help to resolve, thanks!

Re: 403 Forbidden Error on Virtual Host
« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2022, 08:44:47 PM »
I don't have any problem executing this command in my server.

You already checked your /usr/local/apache/domlogs/*.error.log files.?!


Re: 403 Forbidden Error on Virtual Host
« Reply #2 on: January 13, 2022, 06:08:02 PM »
The proper way to resolve is create the template and then link that template with the domain or subdomain. I had to do this to resolve my problem with two subdomains with specific configuration (proxypass and proxypass reverse).

In mi case:

WebServers Vhost Template Editor:
1. Create a configuration file (domain/subdomain.stpl - domain/subdomain.tpl (stpl= https; tpl=http))
2. Put on each file the content of specified vhost configuration.

WebServers Domain conf:
1. Select the username.
2. Select domain or subdomain.
3. Select webserver configuration (on my case I use apache->php-cgi).
4. Select Apache default vhost template type (on my case "default")
5. Select Apache default vhost template (file created on web server vhost).

On this way the rebuild take the custom configuration without edit the vhost file directly.

Re: 403 Forbidden Error on Virtual Host
« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2022, 06:27:36 AM »
yes right.