Author Topic: Excessive resource usage  (Read 4191 times)

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Excessive resource usage
« on: June 26, 2020, 11:02:01 AM »
I'm getting emails about excessive resource usage and there are a couple of accounts that are problematic.
I've increases the timeout from 1800 to 15000 but still get the email warnings.
I don't want to stop the warnings as that isn't a good idea, but I do need help in understanding how to deal with this account that is using up resources.
The culprit is Gnome desktop and I have tried to stop the service and restart the firewall, but the errors still come.
Here's an email:
Time:         Thu Jun 25 22:59:25 2020 +0100
Account:      gdm
Resource:     Process Time
Exceeded:     362636 > 15000 (seconds)
Executable:   /usr/libexec/gsd-sharing
Command Line: /usr/libexec/gsd-sharing
PID:          3085 (Parent PID:2814)
Killed:       No

At the moment I'm getting about 900 emails a day

The other account that is as bad is:

Time:         Thu Jun 25 22:59:25 2020 +0100
Account:      avahi
Resource:     Process Time
Exceeded:     362653 > 15000 (seconds)
Executable:   /usr/sbin/avahi-daemon
Command Line: avahi-daemon: running [srv1.local]
PID:          1002 (Parent PID:1002)
Killed:       No

Anyone know where I should be looking to bring these accounts back in line and stop the excessive resource usage please

Re: Excessive resource usage
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2020, 11:58:27 AM »
CWP is a server administration package.
Gnome has no place on a server - it is a desktop environment. It's removal will leave a lot of surplus files, so you should rebuild the server from scratch using a minimal template.
Avahi is zeroconf software - also not required on a properly configured server.
Google is your friend!

Re: Excessive resource usage
« Reply #2 on: June 26, 2020, 06:07:04 PM »
although I agree that best practice is to build a server without a GUI, I have reasons for it. The server also runs a CCTV backup system and hence Gnome. It was installed as part of the Centos install and not the add on version.
Re-installing the server seems very severe way of dealing with Gnome. That almost borders on the Microsoft advice.

Re: Excessive resource usage
« Reply #3 on: June 26, 2020, 06:38:42 PM »
Your server, so of course you can run whatever you like on it.
Read the configserver CSF readme and apply additions to csf.pignore

If that doesn't help, then set process monitoring to off in CSF - least best option.