Author Topic: How to Fix Http Error within Wordpress & Centos Web Panel Media Upload  (Read 14398 times)

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I am writing this because it took me nearly 2 days to find out what was going on in regards to my server configuration, wordpress installs (multiple user accounts)

The following errors being recieved from nginx were the following:
Code: [Select]
open() "/var/lib/nginx/tmp/client_body/0000000001" failed (13: Permission denied)
(keep in mind finding this error code - which has more detail for example urls and upload paths for wordpress was not easy)

Most will search on google or other platforms: "Http error. media upload wordpress" maybe include cwp or centos web panel however all the guides I was reading say to increase the max memory, add some code to the functions, edit the php.ini, mod security, or the best one "click on user accounts -> fix permissions" to get things working properly (works for ftp, but has nothing to do with nginx). However NOTHING was working. Still the http error was coming up within the wordpress media upload section. Granted I need this to work and I was determined to figure out this issue.

Here is the fix.

From ssh / putty / terminal.. write the following command:
Code: [Select]
chown -R nobody:nginx /var/lib/nginx

Is it possible to include this within an upcoming update for configurations that are using Apache, Nginx, Varnish?

I am absolutely loving my install of Centos Web Panel and could not see myself going back to cpanel. Yes I switched from cpanel to Centos Web Panel. Best decision, even upgraded to the pro for only $1 a month.

Thank you odapplications,
I tried too many solutions, but none of them solved my problem.
I can not believe solution simple like this.   ;D
+++ This topic is very useful for me.. +++    8)

yes this topic help me too
thanks so much.. i got same error upload

it's probably related to new nginx update which had already few issues found because of the changes in the new version.
I would recommend to contact support to test that and add into new cwp update
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*** Don't allow that your server or website is down, choose hosting provider with included expert managed support for your CWP.

Yea, it really helped. Thanks for sharing. :)
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I am so glad you posted this. Almost like fate for me to find it and only a few days later. This fixed my http error for uploading media with nginx+varnish+apache.


after reporting this issue new update was released having a fix for it, so once you update your cwp simply reinstall nginx

reinstall = switch to apache only then switch back to nginx.
VPS & Dedicated server provider with included FREE Managed support for CWP.

*** Don't allow that your server or website is down, choose hosting provider with included expert managed support for your CWP.

After days of searching, finally found this. Thanks man

hi nginx run as nobody user not nginx user