Author Topic: Nginx not working  (Read 4935 times)

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Nginx not working
« on: September 15, 2018, 07:33:08 AM »
Hello, i understand its not appropriate to post this topic here, but the apache/nginx section seems to be inactive/abandoned(very few replies and last post from 3months ago)

So, i am using amazon ec2 and centos webpanel.

With apache only, everything works fine, but when i select Apache+varnish+nginx option, or apache+nginx option

It shows 'connection refused' error in chrome.
I have enabled all the ports listed there, but still doesnt work.

Please help.

Re: Nginx not working
« Reply #1 on: September 16, 2018, 06:56:10 AM »
Did you open port 8181 and 82?