Author Topic: Package won't update quota  (Read 1406 times)

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Package won't update quota
« on: April 04, 2023, 04:23:02 PM »
So, I tried logging into a CP for a user, the UI complained with the dialog "Quota!"
I went to CWP and found that account to be overlimit for its allocation. I changed the package to a new, unlimited package I created for it. Not only will it not change, but somehow it got dropped to 1kb as its allocation...
It won't update no matter what package I use. As well, I noticed that changing other accounts had no effects either, their previous limits stayed exactly as it was.

Any insights, anyone ?

Re: Package won't update quota
« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2023, 10:35:32 AM »
Funny I have this same issue. Just had to backup necessary files, delete and create new account then restore back. Seems its a bug on this panel.

Re: Package won't update quota
« Reply #2 on: July 27, 2023, 01:56:36 PM »
You can also set packages in the root_cwp database. You could change the package to something else, then change it back to the preferred package with the correct quota setting.