I faced another problem with PHPDefender. It can be installed well. But I cant change the rule at all.
The path for the rule is: /usr/local/cwp/.conf/phpdefender/rules/
When installed I choose intermediate.
One of my site got blocked with the reason: fatal error because of usage ini_set("display_errors").
Then I open the cwp_php_defender_interm.rules
I change the line:
#sp.disable_function.function("ini_set").param("varname").value_r("display_errors").drop() --> add comment sign, so it is ignored.
Restarting apache, but still get the same error. Then change that line to:
But still gave the same error.
So, where is actually PHPdefender store the log data and is there any file contains the locked domain, so it kept giving the same error, even when I have removed PHPdefender, the same error still show up.
And which the rules file that PHPdefender execute for real?
It is really confusing, and there is no complete documentation at CWP. Opening the site snuffleupagus.readthedocs.io does not give any useful information.
Has CWP developer tested it before launching this feature?