Excuse me, maybe I expressed myself incorrectly, the problem I have is this, following your advice, I did the reinstallation of everything with nginx php-fpm, first using the command you gave me but it gave me the following error
Then I did the process using web server selection and the reconstruction of the vhosts, done that I have the same problem again with error 502 bad gateway, and it throws me the error that I mentioned about the missing file djflakf1.sock, which should be located in /opt/alt/php-fpm73/usr/var/sockets/djflakf1.sock , this file is no longer there, so even if I do the reconstruction that you recommend, the problem persists.
I could use a snapshot that I have in the virtual machine to go back to a state where those files are, but after an hour or two, those files are deleted without giving me a reason why.
For this problem I have to use apache, but I want to use nginx