Author Topic: Failed Install last Version Netdata in CWP (Control Web Pannel) Centos 9 Stream  (Read 275 times)

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Okay! Before you use this I have to make some So here they are:

2. This fixes the automatic start issue of Netdata on reboot as well

All that said, all tests on a vanilla CWP install on CentOS 9 stream show good.

If you still want to try this then run the one liner command below:
Code: [Select]
cd /scripts && cp install_netdata install_netdata.orig && wget -O install_netdata && /scripts/./install_netdata
If they wanted it fixed...then you wouldn't have to fight so hard for them to fix it. Money is made on problems.....problems that you pay them to fix....but they created themselves. Why should you pay CWP to fix their own software? Is that their business model?

I would only recommend CentOS 9 Stream for home lab / experimental use, not for production. But that said, why use anything different than your production testbed, which at this point should be AlmaLinux 8.

I'm just posting fixes for long standing issues that I have gotten working. I agree that AlmaLinux 8 is probably the best option. However, I have not setup a DEV VM for it yet. Are you wanting me to fix this same issue for AlmaLinux 8? If so I can give it a try but I'm not familiar with that flavor yet. If your just posting to let other know that's okay too. Just wondering if this issue exists in other setups as well.
If they wanted it fixed...then you wouldn't have to fight so hard for them to fix it. Money is made on problems.....problems that you pay them to fix....but they created themselves. Why should you pay CWP to fix their own software? Is that their business model?