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WebPanel => CentOS 9 Problems => Topic started by: As on September 12, 2023, 06:08:26 PM
in alma PHP SELECTOR no active pgsql,
with cent os 7 + cwp works 100%,
how fix in alma?
i try 5.6 with pgsql no works
i try 7.4 with pgsql no works
i try 8.1 with pgsql no works
Is this AlmaLinux 8 or 9? EL9 support work is still ongoing, so don't expect everything to work in AlmaLinux 9 until we have confirmation from the dev team.
Is alma 8
You have one fix?
With php-fpm I have working postgress 13.12 (at alma 8.8 )
but it work only with php 8.1 When try compile php 8.2 it not found paths, .so etc. and compile fail...
I am on rocky 8.9
I am also having issues in enabling Redis, Memchached, PgSQl and MongoDB. (For php-fpm 8.1 and 7.4)
When i switch on the toggle, it is not installing and enabling the required extensions. has any body founda fix?
The fix is AlmaLinux 8.9, currently. ;)
Maybe things will be more smoothed out when CWP offers EL9 suppot.