Author Topic: CGroups don't work on AlmaLinux 9?  (Read 1368 times)

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CGroups don't work on AlmaLinux 9?
« on: May 22, 2024, 10:56:23 PM »
It seems like the CGroup resource limit stuff is completely missing from AlmaLinux 9, even the basic repository packages like libcgroup-tools no longer exist.  The CWP control panel still lets you set up resource limits and stuff, but the page gets spammed with the error:
Code: [Select]
Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /usr/local/cwpsrv/htdocs/resources/admin/include/libs/cgroups/functions.php on line 0

The cgconfig and cgred service don't appear to be running, and don't appear to exist.   It seems like version 9 has completely reinvented how this stuff works.

In fact I'm having trouble finding any information on the Internet at all about how to do cgroups in CentOS 9 based distributions... with or without this control panel.  I found some indications that cgroups themselves might now be EOL, and you're supposed to do all this stuff in systemd itself now, but haven't found a lot of information on how that works yet.

I'm open to technical solutions outside of the panel ecosystem, if anyone could point me in the direction of some documentation.  We have one single end user who gets blasted with PHP processes and eats up 10's of GB's of RAM, and we need to put a cap on that account somehow.  CGroups seemed like the way until I realized it is entirely broken in Alma 9.

I thought about also trying to do it by setting PHP-FPM worker thread limits, but I don't think that would be user specific since it seems like the PHP-FPM service is shared between users... maybe I could work around it by putting this user on their own PHP version (like 8.2) by themselves and then limiting that PHP-FPM service.  But I'm not thrilled about intentionally putting a user with PHP problems on an older version just to "isolate" them so I have some control over their processes.

Additionally, is the CWP team aware that this feature is basically completely gone in AlmaLinux 9?  Or am I mistaken and missing something necessary to install this stuff?  I know the Alma 9 support is still somewhat beta, so maybe this is a niche thing that nobody has brought to your attention yet at all.


Re: CGroups don't work on AlmaLinux 9?
« Reply #1 on: May 23, 2024, 01:44:06 AM »
There are some difference between EL8 and EL9.
Most notably being renamed packages, and the PowerTools repo being changed.

This really wasn't the case between EL7 & EL8.

I'm sure the developers are doing their best trying to get the EL9 version ready. While trying to keep EL8 updated.