Author Topic: **** Extremely Angry *** PHP Version switching or FPM building not working 7days  (Read 6341 times)

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I have tried last 1 week. Tried all combination.
A CWP Pro user.
7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3  nothing works for cgi or fpm both.

Any solution or anyone else faced this?

whats your server's ram ?

RAM is a factor.  I shut down apache while doing the upgrade and it worked for me.

RAM is a factor.  I shut down apache while doing the upgrade and it worked for me.

Very Good point.  Could also shut down Mysql while upgrading.

Also adding swap memory to the server is beneficial.
Google Hangouts:

adding swap is perfect solution but for ssd it will not recommended :) if you need a perfect server add more ram instead of swap.

I have 24GB of Ram how much is required???
I'm still having issues getting imap and ssh2 activated with php
I'm also seeing Post about this all the way back to 2018 is there still not a fix?
« Last Edit: August 16, 2020, 07:06:35 PM by urthllc »

Learn how to read error logs.
24GB RAM will be enough to run a massive multinational store! Or hundreds of shared accounts. Heck, I'd split it into 8 VPSes with proxmox as a hypervisor.
PHP switching works fine with 2GB RAM.
Far too much misinformation goes on, in this forum.

Ever heard of Sarcasm Sheldon?

When I pay for a Pro version of a Control Panel, I expect that it should work out of the box. When I see post from 2 years ago having the same issues it raises red flags to me