Since this "feature" was released, I have been migrating, one by one, all the domains and subdomains in my server to the recommended "template configuration". It seemed to work. Until today

. I found all the sites suspended again. No matter which template the site has, all of them suspended. Every site has a template matching its configuration. The template is correct. CWP shows the domain with its associated template. Nevertheless, all domains and subdomains are "suspended", no matter what. It looks as what drajvat is reporting.
The real solution is to stop this "feature". It is not reliable. As a software development concept, as a system behavior, it is horrible. This is pure speculation, but it looks like a hack that hides other issues. Maybe design problems too deep for the CWP team to solve without big efforts and time. I only see this kind of solutions as a "give me time to fix it" strategy. However, it is taking too long.
If there is no way for CWP to stop the "vhosts rebuild" process, I can only do some scripting to save new domains and restore periodically. I don't want to do this. It is a workaround to handle a not working hack. The best solution is to remove or disable the hack.
What can I do? What other users of CWP did?
Thank you for your help.