Author Topic: cwp-httpd not recognized by yum as webserver  (Read 13677 times)

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Re: cwp-httpd not recognized by yum as webserver
« Reply #15 on: February 19, 2018, 07:51:28 PM »
The consequence of this bug is either not being able to utilize yum packages with dependencies on httpd whilst cwp-httpd is installed or remove cwp-httpd and install a compliant httpd version. Hardly a selling point for cwp-httpd.

Re: cwp-httpd not recognized by yum as webserver
« Reply #16 on: February 22, 2018, 12:21:14 AM »
it just needs minor changes in the rpm specs to fix this

Name:           cwp-httpd

Name:           httpd

and add
Provides:      webserver
Provides:      httpd-mmn = 20120211
Provides:      httpd-mmn = 20120211x8664
Provides:      httpd-mmn = 20120211-x86-64
Provides:      httpd = 2.4.29-2
Provides:      httpd(x86-64) = 2.4.29-2

Re: cwp-httpd not recognized by yum as webserver
« Reply #17 on: May 01, 2020, 05:54:30 AM »
I fixed this issue by reinstalling the cwp-httpd

#remove if the default httpd
yum erase httpd
#remove cwp-httpd
yum erase cwp-httpd

!!important step
#remove all the apache folder in /usr/local/apache

#remove cwp-suphp
yum erase cwp-suphp

yum install cwp-httpd
yum install cwp-suphp
« Last Edit: May 01, 2020, 05:56:38 AM by jaikar »