Author Topic: CWP Bug for Login to PHPMyAdmin  (Read 2937 times)

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CWP Bug for Login to PHPMyAdmin
« on: December 30, 2019, 12:50:04 PM »
Hello Developers I have found a New Bug in CWP PHPMyAdmin Section Please Read Out The Bug and Solve as soon as possible in Next Version.

The Bug is Reported from my CWP Pro. Yes I am a Pro User.
Bug Details,

There are 3 Ways to Login into PHPMyadmin,

1. Manually visit hostname / ip:admin port/pma and Login with MySQL Database Username & Password. = No Bugs here Everything is working fine.

2. Login into User Panel by visiting hostname / ip:user panel port and login with user panel username and password. = No Bugs Here also everything fine.


3. The Bugs Happen here = When you use auto login into a user panel from CWP Admin Panel or WHMCS via api the user panel will open gets login everything will work fine but with you but when you will click on pmymyadmin link it will fail to login into pahpmyadmin. Primarily it will show a error "Login without Password not enabled....." but when i debug the error i found that in this way cwp failed to supply the correct hash to the phpmyadmin to make the successfully login as doing in process number 2.

Hope you understand the bug.

For any more clarification feel free to ask me.