I have noticed the following issues.
1. For some accounts, my sql doesnt get migrated.
2. In another account, I see the following issues
a. There were 2 databases and 2 users. In user control panel I see only databses.
b. In main control panel I see 2 db and 1 user
c. I am not able to associate any db with any user
3. Now, I am trying to add a new db, I cant see that in phpmyadmin
Some screenshots attached.
2 databased imported from original server
phpmyadmin from main panel shows 2 original DBs. The new DB created from user panel after migration is disassociated (arogyas_com) and not accessible from user panel

Mysql tab from main panel shows all 3 DBs, only 2 users (Other missing user is actually working. Its connected to a wordpress site which is working with password which was set in original server)

mysql manager in user panel. I am able to add DB, users etc. But If I add new users to migrated DB, the users do not show up.