Awsome, i've ran across some pretty minor 'glitches' so far, that seem Major, until you find the answer.. lol and have tried everything.
Right now my Softaculous hangs on installing a script (i just click on a different script - and return to the one i was installing, and it is downloaded)
could be on my end, not sure yet.
and the infamous "mariadb" (cannot connect to socket) PLAGUED me for about 3 re-installs.. then i decided to make a note of what worked for me.
(i think its more of a CentOS 'issue/bug', but it's working now.

also, i'm pretty sure that the ClamAV is buggy.. it wont start. my mail "needs work", lol
its installed, but it wont send/receive.... yet.. says it has, but its not..
i've seen this 'error' in the forums previous.. just wish it was a smoother route.
Anyways, glad its working, and we have Softaculous back!
