Author Topic: Varnish not installed  (Read 2815 times)

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Varnish not installed
« on: August 29, 2021, 06:00:24 AM »
I selected as my webserver NGINX + Varnish + Apache, but when I click "Configure Varnish", I get a message "Varnish not installed".

I also get another message "varnishd running".

I am using CWP 7 for CentOS 8 on Rocky Linux 8

So, can you help me, please?

Re: Varnish not installed
« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2021, 09:57:38 AM »
i have same problem

when use 3 in one webserver.... bang.... it died....

well since no reply....

this is the free webpanel
u should pay for fix this and this....

but u know... i still use it

Re: Varnish not installed
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2021, 04:33:14 PM »
steam8 cwp pro

I installed Nginx & Varnich & Apache, but Varnisch Conf. cannot be opened - error message keeps showing Varnich is not installed.

Dear CWP programmer, do ours sometimes get answers to your questions?

The problem occurs again and again and there are no answers from you.

I don't think it's nice and have seen that a number of questions about bugs simply remain unanswered.

So it would be nice if you would try to find answers, because only good support ensures that your script is installed on the servers by many, but this is how you only piss off the users !!!!!!! >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(