Author Topic: When registering a new user, The username is limited to 8 characters.  (Read 1242 times)

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CWP inconvenience
When registering a new user,
The username is limited to 8 characters.

Is there a way to register a longer username?

CWP imposes the 8 character limitation, just as cPanel used to (and cPanel is something of the spiritual father/reference platform for CWP). But the command line useradd utility can do up to 32 characters. I haven't tested to see if you do an end-run around CWP and it would respect the longer user name. But my suspicion is it would truncated it to 8 char because of the need for longer permutations for MySQL user + DB names: username_dbname. Perhaps this will be something they fix when they start offering EL9 support later this year or next year. AlmaLinux 9, here we come!