Hello there
We are a webhosting company & we have more than 6 CWP servers
Suddenly we get a strange problem on all our CWP servers
The problem is that all users couldnt be able to login to domain cpanel
It throws "Failed" error & when watching cwp log file "/usr/local/cwpsrv/logs/error_log" it shows the following without any descriptive error
2024/08/14 21:35:33 [notice] 7471#0: *2854 "^/v1/([^/]+)/?$" matches "/v1/valid_user/", client:, server: localhost, request: "POST /v1/valid_user/ HTTP/1.1", host: ""
2024/08/14 21:35:33 [notice] 7471#0: *2854 rewritten data: "/v1/index.php", args: "method=", client:, server: localhost, request: "POST /v1/valid_user/ HTTP/1.1", host: ""
2024/08/14 21:35:33 [info] 7471#0: *2854 client closed keepalive connection
2024/08/14 21:35:39 [notice] 7472#0: *2859 "^/v1/([^/]+)/?$" matches "/v1/valid_user/", client:, server: localhost, request: "POST /v1/valid_user/ HTTP/1.1", host: ""
2024/08/14 21:35:39 [notice] 7472#0: *2859 rewritten data: "/v1/index.php", args: "method=", client:, server: localhost, request: "POST /v1/valid_user/ HTTP/1.1", host: ""
2024/08/14 21:35:39 [info] 7472#0: *2859 client closed keepalive connection
2024/08/14 21:36:20 [notice] 7471#0: *2868 "^/v1/([^/]+)/?$" matches "/v1/loginfail/", client:, server: localhost, request: "POST /v1/loginfail/ HTTP/1.1", host: ""
2024/08/14 21:36:20 [notice] 7471#0: *2868 rewritten data: "/v1/index.php", args: "method=", client:, server: localhost, request: "POST /v1/loginfail/ HTTP/1.1", host: ""
2024/08/14 21:36:20 [info] 7471#0: *2868 client closed keepalive connection
Please notice that the user could be able to login with the same refused password within ftp to the same server, which proves that the user password is correct
i have tried the following but not sucsess
1) Suspend & unsuspend account
2) Change user default package
3) Deleted the user & recreated it
4) Change CWP main php to different version 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, & 8.2
5) Restart CWSRV service ( systemctl restart cwpsrv.service) & php-fpm ( systemctl restart cwpsrv-phpfpm.service)
6) Changed mysql root password
7) Update CWP (/scripts/update_cwp)
Rebuild users (/scripts/cwpsrv_rebuild_user_conf)
9) Rebuild php-fpm users
10) Webserver set to apache & uninstalled nginx
11) Deleted ".conf" user directory
12) Confirmed user "tmp" directory permissions
13) Regenerate server hostname ssl (/scripts/generate_hostname_ssl)
14) Disabled csf firewall
15) Disabled apache modsecurity
16) Repaired all databases including "cwp_root" & "oauthv2" databases
Nothing of the above solved the issue
OS Type : Linux
OS Versions : tested on CentOS 7 & Alma 8
Any help will be appretiated