Hello All,
Thanks for taking a look at the issue I am experiencing. It's strange, it just started happening in the last 4 hours. Nothing changed on the server as far as I know... No updates, no restarts, etc.
The issue I am having is when I am logged into the Admin Control Panel and click on List Accounts, or List Domains, Packages, or even ModSecutity->Accounts, nothing is showing up. Strange! Also, when I click on any of the JavaScript actions, I get none of the popup notifications letting me know if it was successful or not. So I have no clue if it's actually doing anything.
Here are a few screenshots showing what I am referring to:
Dashboard - The verifying version just spins an spins, the Stop, Restart, and Status buttons do not react to any input.
List Accounts - The one account I have doesn't show.
List Domains - The 13 hosted domains are not loading in the list.
ModSecutity-> Accounts - The list of accounts do not show up for the Main Domain, Addon Domains or SubDomains.
Since discovering the issue, I did try to log in via the terminal and execute the following commands:
service cwpsrv status
Everything looked good.
service cwpsrv restart
Done... No change in the issue.
sh /scripts/update_cwp
And the issue still persists. After that, I did a full system restart to see if that would help, and unfortunately it didn't.
Any other things I can try?
Thank you for your time and assistance.