Author Topic: Relay Tracking on CSF in CWP  (Read 10525 times)

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Relay Tracking on CSF in CWP
« on: August 30, 2019, 03:17:51 PM »
Good Day

I have been playing with CSF and i noticed that the default csf directly from configserver and the one shipped with CSF is missing th SECTION:Relay Tracking part.

So if i just copy and add it to my CSF will it work out of the box to track lets say if someone sends more than 100 emails at a time or does this need to be configured  to work ?

Code: [Select]
# SECTION:Relay Tracking
# Relay Tracking. This allows you to track email that is relayed through the
# server. There are also options to send alerts and block external IP addresses
# if the number of emails relayed per hour exceeds configured limits. The
# blocks can be either permanent or temporary.
# The following information applies to each of the following types of relay
# check:
# RT_[relay type]_ALERT: 0 = disable, 1 = enable
# RT_[relay type]_LIMIT: the limit/hour afterwhich an email alert will be sent
# RT_[relay type]_BLOCK: 0 = no block;1 = perm block;nn=temp block for nn secs

# This option triggers for external email

# This option triggers for email authenticated by SMTP AUTH

# This option triggers for email authenticated by POP before SMTP

# This option triggers for email sent via /usr/sbin/sendmail or /usr/sbin/exim

# This option triggers for email sent via a local IP addresses

# If an RT_* event is triggered, then if the following contains the path to
# a script, it will be run in a child process and passed the following:
# information as parameters which also appears in the email alert:
#   IP Address
#   Block Message (Temporary/Permanent Block)
#   Count of emails relayed
#   Sample of the first 10 emails
# The action script must have the execute bit and interpreter (shebang) set

Re: Relay Tracking on CSF in CWP
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2020, 04:09:46 AM »
This is very interesting observation.

On CPanel systems we have such. May be it is related to fact that they use exim.

Hope authors can clear things out on this.

Re: Relay Tracking on CSF in CWP
« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2020, 11:32:47 AM »
Well spotted, nuffsaid.
Interesting indeed and I universally use it in cPanel.

Re: Relay Tracking on CSF in CWP
« Reply #3 on: April 23, 2021, 06:52:30 PM »
succeeded? I also need Relay Tracking on my servers, but with CWP it doesn't work.