Author Topic: xtables lock  (Read 15702 times)

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xtables lock
« on: June 18, 2017, 04:22:13 PM »
I cannot start stop or restart csf.

Error:Another app is currently holding the xtables lock.

Is there a way to uninstall csf and reinstall?  I cannot update until error is addressed.

Re: xtables lock
« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2017, 10:22:20 PM »
anyone?  this is a known csf bug

Re: xtables lock
« Reply #2 on: July 17, 2017, 08:46:20 PM »
I still have CSF locked up.   Is there anyway I can uninstall then reinstall to get it back running again.

Also since certbot doesnt work in shell, what shell command is valid?

Re: xtables lock
« Reply #3 on: August 23, 2017, 11:18:59 PM »
You have to make sure all the services are running both csf and lfd.

If they are not running try to reboot them if not check status and which error message you are getting and where it coming from then try to sort the source of the error and try to reboot again.

If you are not sure please provide some screenshot, remember to cover sensitive data.

You can uninstall by using the following command on your own server.
Code: [Select]
cd /etc/csf

To install it you will need to do the following steps here

Let me know if you experience any problem.

Re: xtables lock
« Reply #4 on: August 25, 2017, 08:54:05 PM »
try checking your server and csf requirements
Code: [Select]
perl /usr/local/csf/bin/
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Re: xtables lock
« Reply #5 on: September 03, 2017, 11:03:40 AM »
You have to make sure all the services are running both csf and lfd.

If they are not running try to reboot them if not check status and which error message you are getting and where it coming from then try to sort the source of the error and try to reboot again.

If you are not sure please provide some screenshot, remember to cover sensitive data.

You can uninstall by using the following command on your own server.
Code: [Select]
cd /etc/csf

To install it you will need to do the following steps here

Let me know if you experience any problem.

Its happening on two different servers. Sometimes the CSF is green and sometimes its red.  At the moment its green and still has the warning message.  This is very problematic and buggy. I guess there is not way to upload a pic.

Re: xtables lock
« Reply #6 on: September 04, 2017, 09:22:58 AM »
have you tried to run configuration test script to see if your server has all required ?
VPS & Dedicated server provider with included FREE Managed support for CWP.

*** Don't allow that your server or website is down, choose hosting provider with included expert managed support for your CWP.

Re: xtables lock
« Reply #7 on: July 12, 2018, 08:43:07 AM »
You have to make sure all the services are running both csf and lfd.

If they are not running try to reboot them if not check status Douche plain-pied and which error message you are getting and where it coming from then try to sort the source of the error and try to reboot again.

If you are not sure please provide some screenshot, remember to cover sensitive data.

You can uninstall by using the following command on your own server.
Code: [Select]
cd /etc/csf

To install it you will need to do the following steps here

Let me know if you experience any problem.
I too had the same concern a month ago but I soon after contacted the service.