Author Topic: Free centos dns manager contact info  (Read 12723 times)

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Free centos dns manager contact info
« on: December 26, 2014, 04:56:31 PM »
Im codding a little today, and im confused about the way of post data into that panel.
There's no email nor contact form...

I have to know something after i can finish my work.
Can you provide a email to me? How did you contact them?

8==D it's a function that try to compare 8 (int) against D (string) which returns True or False depending on the asker.

Re: Free centos dns manager contact info
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2015, 03:41:33 AM »
who's contact are looking for ?
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Re: Free centos dns manager contact info
« Reply #2 on: January 20, 2015, 07:59:09 PM »
For anyone who know wich is the less data needed to fill their form.

Im doing some stupids workarounds to make that work and made som tests with partial successful. I don't wanna track all the data involved because i can actually make a trick to accomplish the same. Im just triying to find the right way.

Make a shit spaguetti code to let you a good idea to code it's a waste of time.
8==D it's a function that try to compare 8 (int) against D (string) which returns True or False depending on the asker.