Author Topic: Any guid on setuping my server + domain + namecheap?  (Read 10281 times)

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Any guid on setuping my server + domain + namecheap?
« on: January 24, 2017, 08:01:23 AM »
Hello guys

I searched on the web but my knowledge is limited on DNS setup.

I have my dedi server with 1 IP address. I have installed CWP7 on it and i want to use my domain with it.
This domain will be the main domain about my hosting company, and all the other domains (added later) will share the same IP.

I need to know what is the step by step procedure of creating the nameservers for this domain, what records etc, and also what entries should i put in the dns options of CWP7.

Also what dns entries will the other domains need to be added in their registrar?

Any help would be greatly appreciated

Re: Any guid on setuping my server + domain + namecheap?
« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2017, 09:42:13 AM »

Thanks for the fast reply.

I followed that article but still didn't succeed. If anyone has experience with namecheap please reply.

In the meantime i will do again the setup from scratch