Hi guys!
My first post, sorry for my english, is not perfect.

zPanel has discontinued and I met this amazing project few days ago and now I need migrate my domains.
CWP has installed without problems at 2 new KVM servers. First of all: congratulations, is a really good project.
I will try explain my problem now...
I'm trying reproduce my site's organization on the new host.
I use one server for DNS, domains (site, forum, online chat...) and low traffic content and the secundary server for the my service (medium traffic).
I created the primary domain (ipis.com.br) at srv1, no problems, works fine and a local subdomain (suporte.ipis.com.br) also works.
To make the "link" to srv2 I added this record at DNS of the primary domain of the srv1:
http://prntscr.com/76d13q (no real IP's, of course) main shared IP of srv1 secundary IP of srv1 IP of srv2
On srv2 I create only the subdmain: beta.ipis.com.br but don't works, Chrome says: ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED.
DNS registers for beta.ipis.com.br:
http://prntscr.com/76d4vlPS: I set the CWP nameservers of the srv2 the same of the srv1 (names and IP): ns1 e ns2.ipis.com.br,
it is wrong?This configuration works on CWP? At zPanel works fine.