Well, I call it "procedure" because I'm not sure what the name would be.
I have also done several searches but without success, perhaps because of the problem of not knowing the name of the procedure.
The scenario is as follows:
1. I have the fictitious domain for this example: "test.net"
2. I have two servers: "srv1.test.net" and "srv2.test.net".
3. In the server "srv1.test.net" i will use the authoritative DNS for the domain "test.net" and host site plus client area.
In this server i have DNSs "ns1.test.net" and "ns2.test.net ".
4. In the server "srv2.test.net" will be allocated the hosting packages with all services like email, ftp, database, etc.
In this same server the clients will manager they own zone editor.
By default the domains contracted and added to the accounts will use the DNSs "ns1.test.net" and "ns2.test.net".
The question is, how to accomplish this configuration? What is this configuration called?
-For all actions taken in the zone editor of the server "srv2.test.net" going to be replicated in the server "srv1.test.net".
Or is this procedure used by too many providers done differently?