Author Topic: How do i: rebuild DNS completely remove dns server and add again  (Read 16496 times)

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Hello, my dns messed up instead of spending too much time looking through everything i want to just delete dns or completely reinstall dns and i do not mind terminating the 2 accounts i have on the server. How can i delete CWP dns and reinstall dns?
I am considering just deleting the whole server and installing cwp again to save time but knowing how to delete DNS bind and reinstall it would be easier and good for future reference if i get the issue again.

Re: How do i: rebuild DNS completely remove dns server and add again
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2020, 07:29:53 AM »
So deleted some dns records and messed up my DNS zones? Did you find out how to reinstall the DNS?
-The Shoutcast Guru

Radio Streaming Since 2013, RadioDJ since 2016, and Linux-CWP since 2020.

Re: How do i: rebuild DNS completely remove dns server and add again
« Reply #2 on: October 15, 2020, 07:38:04 PM »
I found out how to do this! If you never found out, please check my similar post where I added the fix! Good luck
-The Shoutcast Guru

Radio Streaming Since 2013, RadioDJ since 2016, and Linux-CWP since 2020.