Author Topic: Possible DNS problem with my setup  (Read 9561 times)

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Possible DNS problem with my setup
« on: February 15, 2017, 12:10:24 AM »
Hi Everyone

I have just started using CENT OS Web panel in a test environment, from what I have used it seems like a very good hosting panel.

I am using it on a test home server but i am having problems with my main domain and it connecting to it.
Currently I have it set up a test domain which is but if you visit that it comes up with routers log on page but if you add it comes up with the log in screen for web panel.

I have created an account on the web panel for with a basic package – What do I need to do to make it so if someone visits it goes to the account I created and not my routers log in page? Am i rigjht in thinking i need to forward some ports on my draytek router to the server. So far the only port i have forwarded is 2030 to go to that ip to allow the web panel log in screen to come on.

Sorry if this is a newbie question, trying my best to learn linux with centos and also get my head around web hosting platforms like centos web panel.
Thank You

Re: Possible DNS problem with my setup
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2017, 09:48:01 AM »
So far the only port i have forwarded is 2030
This is correct, that's why you reach the CWP login page

- You need to forward port 80 in your router to reach apache
- You need to create an account and add your domain in your server(your PC) too
- Your PC's IP address will be changed everytime you reboot router (if you dont have a static IP), so you need an Dynamic DNS service (look for it on Google)
This is quite complicated , you need knowledge about router and network so I suggest you to install CWP on a VPS for less headache

Re: Possible DNS problem with my setup
« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2019, 02:07:47 AM »
Hi Everyone

I have just started using CENT OS Web panel in a test environment, from what I have used it seems like a very good hosting panel.

I am using it on a test home server but i am having problems with my main domain and it connecting to it.
Currently I have it set up a test domain which is but if you visit that it comes up with routers log on page but if you add it comes up with the log in screen for web panel.

I have created an account on the web panel for with a basic package – What do I need to do to make it so if someone visits it goes to the account I created and not my routers log in page? Am i rigjht in thinking i need to forward some ports on my draytek router to the server. So far the only port i have forwarded is 2030 to go to that ip to allow the web panel log in screen to come on.

Sorry if this is a newbie question, trying my best to learn linux with centos and also get my head around web hosting platforms like centos web panel.
Thank You

Your PC's IP address will be changed everytime you reboot router (if you dont have a static IP), so you need an Dynamic DNS service