I run two VPS servers from contabo, Recently I purchased third server and I installed DNS server manager on it after a clean install of CWP pro, although cwppro not required for it but I purchase license because of other reasons. Now I want this third cwp server where dns server and manager is installed to act as a ns1.domain.com and I want previous two servers to act as ns2.domain.com and ns3.domain.com
So far I have configured added dns server manager and on 1st and 2nd server i have configured slave dns-manager inside dns function. It can push domains to dns server manager on third server.
1. so far its working. but in dns server manager at dashboard when i start, restart, or stop, whatever button i click it does nothing. (Status for named. Inactive). How do start this.?
2. My second question is how do I configure namservers for all all servers. So that I can have ns1.domain.com and ns2.domain.com and ns3.domain.com namservers which I give to my clients when they purchase an account from me.
As of now I have setup and created two different ns1 and ns2 on both old servers. I want to use dns server manager so that I can switch my cliens account from one server easily without delay and without them knowing it.
presenlty I am using cloudflares dns manager to do so, when i transfer client acount from one account to another by cwp to cwp migration I change dns A record in cloudflare dns manager.
Can someone help me understand this. How can i do this,
In godaddy i see they always provide same nameservers to clients no matter which server you are using, I want to achieve this.
Waiting for help from community.