Author Topic: problem with integrate domain with google blogger  (Read 4150 times)

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problem with integrate domain with google blogger
« on: January 23, 2021, 04:34:35 PM »
problem with integrate domain with google blogger

it always give me that error

thats my dns records

i don't know where the problem

Re: problem with integrate domain with google blogger
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2021, 03:47:32 PM »
وأنا  أيضا أردت ربط نطاق فرعي بمدونة بلوجر وقمت بكل الخطوات ولكن تظهر لي صفحة سينتوس الواجهه كيف قمت بحل المشكلة  مع أنها كانت سهلة في ال cpanel  وقمت بكل الخطوات السليمة ولكن دون فائدة
I also wanted to connect a subdomain to the Blogger blog and did all the steps, but the frontend Centus page shows me how I solved the problem even though it was easy in the cpanel and I took all the right steps, but to no avail
