I guess that if you don't use Bind for serve DNS you still would appreciate it as a database of your "remote" DNS entries.
Think a second on catastrophic die of the remote DNS. How would you get back your DNS zones?
The only problem of a DNS server, is the RAM it ates if it's really working, and getting data into cache.
But, you can still running it locally with no prob.
Especial note: I wrote a few lines each day on a auto_commit DNS module for and
So you can manage all your entries from your server and the module does the remote commit for you.
It works, but need some tweaks to release because im a newbie and dont know all CWP code (joke, right?).
Just wanna make a module

Monit is included on the most of the CentOS. I've found installed on mine, but im not sure from where it comes (i guess form the SO ovz_template) if was not from cwp.
Stop named:
CentOS (RHEL) has also services manager and you can do that:
service named stop
I guess
chkconfig named off
would disable too, not only stop.
And you can stop also from your new and awesome CWP webpanel