Author Topic: Single IP DNS  (Read 5428 times)

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Single IP DNS
« on: August 18, 2018, 06:23:02 AM »
CWP dosent seem to cope too well with one IP DNS
Firstly you got to get your names onto a Domain Registrar that allows using one DNS
Uniregistry - The Best Registrar in the world (I have 1750 names I have tried them all get a good deal with my affilate link)

with CWP the Trick to running with One IP as DNS and not get the "is not a valid name" error is to manually edit the named.conf

DNS Functions/Edit DNS Config
Click Backup the file first, (Note the location it backs up to in case you got to copy it back)

and change

zone "" {type master;file "/var/named/";}                                     ;
zone "" {type master;file "/var/named/";}                                     ;
zone "" {type master;file "/var/named/.db";};

to a single line like
zone "" {type master;file "/var/named/";}

Save and Re-boot

To test this, following the re-boot, go back to DNS Functions, Edit Nameservers
you should see like
(It has made 2 of them the same)  123.123.123.MyIP  123.123.123.MyIP

If you just click Save Changes you will now see there is no Error Message