Author Topic: TXT field size in CWP DNS  (Read 4483 times)

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TXT field size in CWP DNS
« on: May 19, 2020, 06:12:42 PM »

We realized, twice, that when generating a DKIM on Google, by default, it generates something like:
v=DKIM1; k=rsa; p=MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAhmbce9POMLdvU5K7sBwJjyZakELVSTfN5sivUGhh39GjJie83k3LManqmigZoKwaBZf7RJhLocwHKK8+/r0WuIBA0Ig69ZcAMuIFMkUMxbFYIf2WJjxHLBbqube8/gd51nbSKiThN53hNz7sy6hqHnIyTrhjxJAzjUeHnjXXFDQYIepC1eupKdVNMUeK1MFSwaFqTvjx8VHc9A7U54I8XuZrkLLf4TTwUYQ5xfmZ6lqk+xaN7U2NNlkxtWhn5WxCiSmGCjJmbsHXuq0Vyp6XaPyRnPyWdq4iCDZm+2ZKnxXrtsB6Z05GBD7HUHMECQh07Ux5xzsCKu1MnNgypJyO4QIDAQAB

When adding this content to the DNS TXT of a domain within the CWP, it is refused.

We have to generate the minor key:
v=DKIM1; k=rsa; p=MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCL8txhviB9tD605dvC6dqpRHEf0IrPSyNKvRl3x5XDjLpw4FH0e2HCtS3JWKeqbx5NBhfbKKruyoV8L4L4wlXPr5ie6xb0aePfzqDVQMEsztzmunlKJDxDhHf2/h3zrK6Nzh76QgJbqF9EFkEYglBXxOSypGib6Qi443gY/XvG0wIDAQAB

We have to generate a new code for DKIM, at Google, with a smaller key, so that it can be accepted by the CWP's DNS.

Can this be corrected?


Daniel Guidolin

Re: TXT field size in CWP DNS
« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2020, 07:02:04 PM »

CWP Panel - > DKIM & SPF Manager
Select your domain and click Add DKIM 

Re: TXT field size in CWP DNS
« Reply #2 on: May 20, 2020, 11:32:08 AM »
Okay, it adds the DKIM, but it is added with the small key.

When a larger key is added, as mentioned before, it is in error. The Google standard is higher than the CWP standard.