Author Topic: How to setup Postfix Mail on CWP?  (Read 5025 times)

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How to setup Postfix Mail on CWP?
« on: May 11, 2020, 12:32:34 PM »
I have this problem:
It says: "Hostname needs to have a valid A record and rDNS/PTR set for successful email delivery.
**Reject the request when the hostname in the client HELO (EHLO) command has no DNS A or MX record. The unknown_hostname_reject_code specifies the response code to rejected requests (default: 450)."
Added A record on my panel with Fleio.
Also I think the problem could be from Cloudflare I am using Cloudflare because has https protocol and multiple filters but it's separate from CWP I am not using Cloudflare module installed on CWP.
Could you please help me?

Re: How to setup Postfix Mail on CWP?
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2020, 12:41:56 PM »
Found a solution for but I don't know how to solve: rDNS/PTR = FAILED, check with your hosting provider! FAILED

Re: How to setup Postfix Mail on CWP?
« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2020, 12:50:33 PM »
A PTR Record, is the reverse of an A Record in DNS.  Being as it tells the "IP" what domain is associated to it.  You cannot manage your PTR Record, because you do not own the IP Block.  If you have a VPS, there should be a "HOSTNAME" option, or PTR option under your VPS control panel.  Otherwise, contact your host to set the PTR record for you.

BTW, if you name your server, your PTR should be srv1, and postfix should use srv1 as well.
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Re: How to setup Postfix Mail on CWP?
« Reply #3 on: May 11, 2020, 01:20:04 PM »
Thank you for your response.
I have this on my VPS area more exactly on Fleio:
And this in Cloudflare on DNS area:

For I added an A record to Fleio also an A record on Cloudflare my question is how I can do the setup for PTR based on images that I shared above? I am not very familiar with DNS's and try to learn from mistakes and tests.
Thank you!

Re: How to setup Postfix Mail on CWP?
« Reply #4 on: May 11, 2020, 01:29:56 PM »
I have an option on Fleio to get the PTR but I don't know what I can do with it.