Please i need help. I can't seem to be able to receive mail on the emails on my centos webpanel server. I can send mails out but cannot receive.
I checked my firewall port 25, 110,143 are among the listening ports associated with incoming and out going mails.
25/tcp -/6 0 (8361/root) /usr/libexec/postfix/master /usr/libexec/postfix/master
110/tcp -/6 0 (8260/root) /usr/sbin/dovecot /usr/sbin/dovecot
143/tcp -/6 5 (8260/root) /usr/sbin/dovecot /usr/sbin/dovecot
This problem started when i removed sendmail as it was conflicting with the mail queue.
Please advice on how to resolve this. I've deleted and recreated the accounts still no incoming mails but i can send mails out with roundcube but i can't receive mails to any of my inboxes.