Author Topic: Is it possible for webmail/roundcube to send outbound via external SMTP account?  (Read 7249 times)

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Hello.  For our emails, we have an external office365 account for outbound emails, since new IPs or other ISPs block mail from smaller accounts/domains like ours.  Setting up imap on mobile devices is not a problem since we can specify outbound smtp settings.  However, when using webmail, it uses our standard IPs for sending out, which causes some of our client emails not to get through (like to AOL).

Is there a way to configure webmail or roundcube such that it will send the mail using the same external SMTP account that we use on our mobile devices? Never done this so wondering if this is possible at all.


that is simple with roundcube, edit file /usr/local/cwpsrv/var/services/roundcube/config/
and set ip or hostname of the smtp server
Code: [Select]
$config['smtp_server'] = 'localhost';
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