@adamjedgar so let me get this straight, if someone brings a cat in your house and the cat starts sh*tting all over the place, by your logic the "solution" would be to ask your landlord to protect your furniture in plastic foil so that the cat doesn't make a mess? Because by my logic, the f*ing cat shouldn't be in the house to begin with.
And as a principle I don't want to need to react on stuff that happens on my physical server, and ask third parties to put protections AROUND it, just because CWP decided to force me to swallow the crap it has installed on my server.
Also, why the assumption that I use CWP on a VPS? I don't. I should be able to control my own server without requiring my host's firewall. If you consider otherwise, you need a reality check on your understanding of control, privacy, ownership and security.