Author Topic: Enable Hosting Companies To Earn Income From Customer's Websites  (Read 205 times)

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Enable Hosting Companies To Earn Income From Customer's Websites
« on: September 24, 2024, 09:13:12 PM »
I've got a prototype built and am looking for startup co-founders. Basically it's a new approach to ad networks (sic. a cooperative) that could give any hosting company offering it a huge marketing tool. They could use such pitches as "We'll pay you to host with us". The idea is to enable websites to create value by pooling their combined web traffic, making it more valuable to advertisers (that's what "ad networks" do anyway) and equip each site with the ability to market it. But it leverages a unique property of websites (they both produce web traffic and also buy it (as advertisers). So since every advertiser is a potential publisher of our app we pay the operators a second potential income through overrides if/when one of the advertisers they got becomes a member and also starts getting advertisers. They place our app (just a simple Yellow Pages style web directory) on their site and offer free advertising across the entire network. The ad's position is subject to competitive bidding for placement and the bids generate payments to the member. But even if the advertiser remains free there is the second potential income when the advertiser becomes a member.

If startup hosting companies offered this and the network grows then the income from the advertising will eventually outpace the hosting fees.