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Topics - cocholmesthree

Pages: [1]
Please check ticket #438687 confirm my subscription and activate my Pro.

From the ticket experience, I see that this is likely to be an abandoned project, and Paying for CWP Pro is not a good thing now anymore. I was happy with the Free and wanted the Pro.

PHP / Xenforo 2.2.X error with Centos 7 CWP Pro.
« on: February 07, 2021, 10:16:11 PM »
I am facing error with above mentioned title. It is happening recently without any console error message.
I tested in localhost. everything is okay. Mod Security is not installed yet.

I have tried last 1 week. Tried all combination.
A CWP Pro user.
7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3  nothing works for cgi or fpm both.

Any solution or anyone else faced this?

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