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PHP / Re: CWP7.Pro Error | Unable to Login Admin Panel
« on: April 30, 2020, 04:56:56 PM »
Details Error:

Code: [Select]
# sh /scripts/restart_cwpsrv

** (pkttyagent:1643): WARNING **: 22:56:12.093: Unable to register authentication agent: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1.Error.Failed: Cannot determine user of subject
Error registering authentication agent: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1.Error.Failed: Cannot determine user of subject (polkit-error-quark, 0)

** (pkttyagent:1661): WARNING **: 22:56:12.200: Unable to register authentication agent: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1.Error.Failed: Cannot determine user of subject
Error registering authentication agent: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1.Error.Failed: Cannot determine user of subject (polkit-error-quark, 0)

** (pkttyagent:1669): WARNING **: 22:56:12.249: Unable to register authentication agent: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1.Error.Failed: Cannot determine user of subject
Error registering authentication agent: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1.Error.Failed: Cannot determine user of subject (polkit-error-quark, 0)

Code: [Select]
# sh /scripts/restart_httpd

** (pkttyagent:1746): WARNING **: 22:56:28.733: Unable to register authentication agent: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1.Error.Failed: Cannot determine user of subject
Error registering authentication agent: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1.Error.Failed: Cannot determine user of subject (polkit-error-quark, 0)

CentOS-WebPanel Bugs / Re: CWP update error pkttyagent:
« on: April 30, 2020, 04:50:39 PM »
disable hide process security feature

Already disabled hide process but getting the below issues

Code: [Select]
# sh /scripts/update_cwp

============= CentOS Web Panel Cron ================

Firewall Flush Daily Blocks

Update Server Packages
Redirecting to /bin/systemctl restart cwpsrv.service

** (pkttyagent:31001): WARNING **: 22:49:03.733: Unable to register authentication agent: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1.Error.Failed: Cannot determine user of subject
Error registering authentication agent: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1.Error.Failed: Cannot determine user of subject (polkit-error-quark, 0)
Redirecting to /bin/systemctl restart httpd.service

** (pkttyagent:31065): WARNING **: 22:49:03.906: Unable to register authentication agent: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1.Error.Failed: Cannot determine user of subject
Error registering authentication agent: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1.Error.Failed: Cannot determine user of subject (polkit-error-quark, 0)
Redirecting to /bin/systemctl reload httpd.service

** (pkttyagent:31193): WARNING **: 22:49:06.659: Unable to register authentication agent: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1.Error.Failed: Cannot determine user of subject
Error registering authentication agent: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1.Error.Failed: Cannot determine user of subject (polkit-error-quark, 0)

PHP / Re: CWP7.Pro Error | Unable to Login Admin Panel
« on: April 30, 2020, 04:46:41 PM »
Follow the directions from my post above.

After Fixed that issues , New Issues has been raised to Update CWP

Code: [Select]
[root@alpha ~]# sh /scripts/update_cwp

============= CentOS Web Panel Cron ================

Firewall Flush Daily Blocks

Update Server Packages
Redirecting to /bin/systemctl restart cwpsrv.service

** (pkttyagent:26889): WARNING **: 22:39:14.724: Unable to register authentication agent: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1.Error.Failed: Cannot determine user of subject
Error registering authentication agent: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1.Error.Failed: Cannot determine user of subject (polkit-error-quark, 0)
Redirecting to /bin/systemctl restart cwp-phpfpm.service

Updates / Re: My CWP does not update to CWPpro
« on: April 29, 2020, 03:43:38 PM »

Installation / Re: ioncube - reinstallation
« on: April 29, 2020, 03:42:54 PM »
I accidentally click the uninstall ioncobe - then lost ability to connect to cwp control pabel via webpage.

I ran the script 'update_ioncube'  restarted server but still no web access to control panel.

I made sure there was zend_extension = /usr/local/ioncube/ in the php.ini located at /usr/local/cwp/php71.php.ini

also confirmed update did install ioncube - but the admin web pages keeps saying need ioncube installed in the error logs

anybody know a solution

For Solutions:  , It works

PHP / Re: CWP7.Pro Error | Unable to Login Admin Panel
« on: April 27, 2020, 06:08:53 AM »
is that any new issues
Code: [Select]
# sh /scripts/update_cwp

============= CentOS Web Panel Cron ================

Firewall Flush Daily Blocks

Update Server Packages
Redirecting to /bin/systemctl restart cwpsrv.service
Redirecting to /bin/systemctl restart cwp-phpfpm.service
Redirecting to /bin/systemctl reload cwpsrv.service
Redirecting to /bin/systemctl reload cwp-phpfpm.service [Errno 12] Timeout on (28, 'Connection timed out after 30001 milliseconds')
Trying other mirror.
Redirecting to /bin/systemctl reload cwpsrv.service
Redirecting to /bin/systemctl reload cwp-phpfpm.service
Redirecting to /bin/systemctl restart cwpsrv.service
Redirecting to /bin/systemctl restart httpd.service
Redirecting to /bin/systemctl reload httpd.service

PHP / Re: CWP7.Pro Error | Unable to Login Admin Panel
« on: April 26, 2020, 03:27:50 PM »

Followed your instruction, I can login to admin panel after Successfully updated . [Issue is resolved]
Also replaced ioncube
Code: [Select]
# cd /usr/local/
# mv ioncube ioncube-bak
# wget
# tar -zxvf ioncube_loaders_lin_x86-64.tar.gz

PHP / Re: CWP7.Pro Error | Unable to Login Admin Panel
« on: April 26, 2020, 01:53:16 PM »

I am using CentOS 7.6 ,

Code: [Select]
# chattr -i -R /usr/local/cwpsrv/htdocs
chattr: Operation not supported while reading flags on /usr/local/cwpsrv/htdocs/resources/admin/addons/3rdparty/phpseclib/vendor/bin/sami.php
chattr: Operation not supported while reading flags on /usr/local/cwpsrv/htdocs/resources/admin/addons/3rdparty/phpseclib/vendor/bin/phing
chattr: Operation not supported while reading flags on /usr/local/cwpsrv/htdocs/resources/admin/addons/3rdparty/phpseclib/vendor/bin/phpcs
chattr: Operation not supported while reading flags on /usr/local/cwpsrv/htdocs/resources/admin/addons/3rdparty/phpseclib/vendor/bin/phpcbf
chattr: Operation not supported while reading flags on /usr/local/cwpsrv/htdocs/resources/admin/addons/3rdparty/phpseclib/vendor/bin/phpunit
chattr: Operation not supported while reading flags on /usr/local/cwpsrv/htdocs/admin/login/design
chattr: Operation not supported while reading flags on /usr/local/cwpsrv/htdocs/admin/user/design
chattr: Operation not supported while reading flags on /usr/local/cwpsrv/htdocs/admin/admin/design

getting above output ?

PHP / Re: CWP7.Pro Error | Unable to Login Admin Panel
« on: April 26, 2020, 12:11:42 PM »
systemctl restart cwpsrv-phpfpm
systemctl restart cwp-phpfpm


This is not the solutions, each and every services are running but unable login to admin panel, getting HTTP ERROR 500.
When I am trying to Update :
Code: [Select]
# sh /scripts/update_cwp
PHP Fatal error:  The file /usr/local/cwpsrv/htdocs/resources/admin/include/cron.php was encoded by the ionCube Encoder for PHP 5.6 and cannot run under PHP 7.1 or later.
 Please ask the provider of the script to provide a version encoded with the ionCube Encoder for PHP 7.1. in Unknown on line 0

PHP / CWP7.Pro Error | Unable to Login Admin Panel
« on: April 26, 2020, 09:08:35 AM »

I am using Nginx+Varnish+aPache +PHP-FPM , It was running smoothly .
PHP and PHP-FPM version 7.2.29 , Now issues that Unable to Login Admin Panel , getting HTTP ERROR 500
Found below the error log:

Code: [Select]
# tail /usr/local/cwpsrv/logs/error_log
Code: [Select]
2020/04/26 14:50:56 [error] 2510#0: *12 FastCGI sent in stderr: "PHP message: PHP Fatal error:  The file /usr/local/cwpsrv/htdocs/admin/index.php was encoded by the ionCube Encoder for PHP 5.6 and cannot run under PHP 7.1 or later.
 Please ask the provider of the script to provide a version encoded with the ionCube Encoder for PHP 7.1. in Unknown on line 0" while reading response header from upstream, client:, server: localhost, request: "GET / HTTP/1.1", upstream: "fastcgi://unix:/usr/local/cwp/php71/var/sockets/cwpsrv.sock:", host: ""

Code: [Select]
# tail /usr/local/cwp/php71/var/log/php-fpm.log
Code: [Select]
[26-Apr-2020 14:58:53] WARNING: [pool cwpsrv] child 6406 said into stderr: "NOTICE: PHP message: PHP Fatal error:  The file /usr/local/cwpsrv/htdocs/admin/index.php was encoded by the ionCube Encoder for PHP 5.6 and cannot run under PHP 7.1 or later."
[26-Apr-2020 14:58:53] WARNING: [pool cwpsrv] child 6406 said into stderr: " Please ask the provider of the script to provide a version encoded with the ionCube Encoder for PHP 7.1. in Unknown on line 0"

Code: [Select]
# vi /usr/local/cwp/php71/php.ini
; Local Variables:
; tab-width: 4
; End:
zend_extension = /usr/local/ioncube/


At present date 05/04/2020, having CentOS Linux release 7.7.1908 (Core) and CWPpro version:, both updated at latest version, this tutorial does not work anymore.

The -t option for the command  /usr/local/cwpsrv/bin/cwpsrv –t is not recognized

After following the whole procedure anyway there are syntax errors in the configuration files, stapling is not possible to be used and a few other things go wrong, the result is that the service apache cannot be started, I stopped there as not being expert I have no clue about what should be done.

Anyone knows how to change this tutorial to updated cwp and centos or anyway how do is possible to get a A+ grade letsencrypt certificate and have it automatically renewed for every Vhost?

Thank you

HI David,

I have checked that both Syntax are correct , Please don't copy and paste to your terminal .

I will post for SSL stapling later .

CentOS-WebPanel Bugs / Re: Editor Wrecks Modsecurity Configuration
« on: March 27, 2020, 06:24:18 PM »

I faced the same problem. The best way to add the line using CLI.

Code: [Select]
# vi  /usr/local/apache/conf.d/mod_security.conf

LoadFile /usr/lib64/
            LoadFile /usr/lib64/
            <IfModule !unique_id_module>
              LoadModule unique_id_module modules/
            <IfModule !mod_security2.c>
              LoadModule security2_module  modules/
            <IfModule mod_security2.c>
              <IfModule mod_ruid2.c>
                SecAuditLogStorageDir /usr/local/apache/logs/modsec_audit
                SecAuditLogType Concurrent
              <IfModule itk.c>
                SecAuditLogStorageDir /usr/local/apache/logs/modsec_audit
                SecAuditLogType Concurrent
      SecStatusEngine On

              SecRuleEngine On
              SecAuditEngine On
              SecAuditLog /usr/local/apache/logs/modsec_audit.log
              SecDebugLog /usr/local/apache/logs/modsec_debug.log
              SecAuditLogType Serial
              SecDebugLogLevel 0
              SecRequestBodyAccess On
              SecDataDir /tmp
              SecTmpDir /tmp
              SecUploadDir /tmp
              SecCollectionTimeout 600
              SecPcreMatchLimit 1250000
              SecPcreMatchLimitRecursion 1250000
              Include "/usr/local/apache/modsecurity-owasp-latest/owasp.conf"

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