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Messages - Zeticloud Services

Pages: [1]
Backup / Re: Server never make mysql backup
« on: December 20, 2020, 04:39:52 PM »
Thanks Rug3r! I had this issue foir a while and this solved it! Thanks!

cwp is using mysqldump so you can try first manually to see if it is working

I tried it manually and got that error "mysqldump: unknown variable 'local-infile=0'", After removing this line "local-infile=0" from my.cnf, it done successfully.

Thanks for help.

Do you have [mysqld] along with local-infile=0? It should look like the following in your etc/my.cnf file:


CentOS-WebPanel Bugs / Re: CPU 100% clamd
« on: November 10, 2020, 06:52:43 PM »
You should wrap the above in CODE tags. ;)


Note that I tested quite extensively and if you drop values too low, they simply get ignored.
512M/25% seemed to be a good balance, for most 'lower-end' server/VPS specifications.

Thanks for the update. For now, seems like it's working fine like that, but I'll keep an eye on it!

CentOS-WebPanel Bugs / Re: CPU 100% clamd
« on: November 10, 2020, 06:39:52 PM »
Let's see: unstable/unusable server or correctly uses swap where required. hmmm.  ::)

My file is like this, running like a charm:
24789 amavis    39  19  398716 261180   2968 R  12.5 25.7   0:07.05 clamd

My server:
CPU Details: 2 Core (2600 MHz)
RAM: 1Gb    SWAP: 512Mb
Distro Name: CentOS Linux release 7.8.2003 (Core)
Kernel Version: 3.10.0-1127.19.1.el7.x86_64

Code: [Select]
Description = clamd scanner (%i) daemon
Documentation=man:clamd(8) man:clamd.conf(5)
After =

Type = simple
ExecStart = /usr/sbin/clamd -c /etc/clamd.d/amavisd.conf --foreground=yes
# Reload the database
ExecReload=/bin/kill -USR2 $MAINPID
Restart = on-failure
IOSchedulingPriority = 7
CPUSchedulingPolicy = 5
MemoryLimit = 256M
CPUQuota = 13%
Nice = 19

WantedBy =

CentOS-WebPanel Bugs / Re: CPU 100% clamd
« on: November 10, 2020, 06:29:25 PM »
swap/disk usage will be increased if you've it.

Do you know a better solution for this when the FIX script provided by CWP doesn't work? I'll appreciate that!

CentOS-WebPanel Bugs / Re: CPU 100% clamd
« on: November 10, 2020, 02:34:29 AM »
Edit /usr/lib/systemd/system/clamd.service

Code: [Select]
Description = clamd scanner (%i) daemon
Documentation=man:clamd(8) man:clamd.conf(5)
After =

Type = simple
ExecStart = /usr/sbin/clamd -c /etc/clamd.d/amavisd.conf --foreground=yes
# Reload the database
ExecReload = /bin/kill -USR2 $MAINPID
Restart = on-failure
TimeoutStartSec = 420
IOSchedulingPriority = 7
CPUSchedulingPolicy = 5
MemoryLimit = 768M
CPUQuota = 25%
Nice = 19

WantedBy =

Code: [Select]
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl restart clamd

I had the same problem, only this solution solved it for me. Now calmd runs with MAX 512M and taking 50% of 1 of 2 cores, so server is running smoothly. Thank you cynique!

Backup / Re: Automatically Backup Emails to Remote Server
« on: September 26, 2019, 10:05:43 PM »
Note: If you are setting up the Remote Backup for the first time BEFORE you can get the "Connection_OK" message in the Remote Backup module you MUST add the remote server to the "known_hosts" file at the local server (/root/.ssh/known_hosts). For me, the easy way to do so is to SSH login to your local server, and then SSH login to the remote server, in this way the system in local server is going to ask you if you want to add the remote server to known hosts, just type "yes".

Good luck!

Backup / Re: Restore Option Missing
« on: September 26, 2019, 08:41:32 PM »
Saddly, the option IS NOT availiable for the users nor the admin. It looks like RESTORATION must be made manually (very, very sad). As far as I know, only CPANEL full accounts backup are restorable (by ADMIN only).

Backup / Re: Emails backup
« on: September 26, 2019, 06:29:43 PM »
I have the same issue, no official info found on this forum nor in CWP wiki. So, here's is my solution to email backups to remote server:

Backup / Automatically Backup Emails to Remote Server
« on: September 26, 2019, 06:28:53 PM »
I have the problem to make regular backups for users emails. The problem is that the admin module "Backup" DOES NOT INCLUDE EMAILS, only public_html dir and mysql DB. The same is with "remote backup": no emails are backed up, the only way to accomplish a mail backup using CWP options is under User Panel > File Management > Backup > Full Account Backup, but I didn't find a way to make this automatic. So, I implemented this solution:


I'm assuming you have the REMOTE BACKUP option enabled and working, since this solution uses "ssh -i" authentication method (same as "remote backup").

Incremental Backup for Emails to Remote Server

I created in local server a file in "/" dir called "" with this code:

rsync -av -e 'ssh -p 2200 -i /root/.ssh/backup/id_rsa' /var/vmail

As you may notice, I'm connecting to the remote server's IP (obfuscated here) via SSH using a user I already setup there called "backup" (must be able to connect via SSH, so check user's permissions in CWP). As I already mention, SSH KEY must be setup properly in remote backup option (locally and remote) for this to work.

The backup is made using incremental "rsync" command, where I'm coping everything under local server "/var/vmail" dir to remote server dir "/home/backup/cwp_remote/email/server6", this, because I have several servers, all making backups to the same Backup Server but to it's own directory.

Finally, in order to make this backups automatic, I just added a "root cron job" in CWP panel as follows:

35 01 * * sun /bin/bash /

Here, I'm programming the email backup to be executed every Sunday at 01:35 hrs.

I hope this helps! :)

Pages: [1]